Thursday, May 24, 2018


Those who have participated in the CISB Seminar Abroad Program know that each group refers to itself as "The Delegation," because we see ourselves as representing not just Western New England University but the United States of America as well.  In a very real sense, the students comprise a delegation of grass-roots ambassadors that promotes human comprehension and international goodwill on a people-to-people level wherever we go.  From a business and experiential perspective, however, each member of the WNE delegation is also assigned a role and responsibility that mimics an organization's functions in a foreign environment in order to accomplish its goals.  Students simulate tasks and fill various roles while on assignment abroad such as ticket manager, ground transport coordinator, housing coordinator, graphics designer, social media coordinator, photographer/videographer, signage coordinator, meteorologist, service project lead, historian/curator, security lead, chief bear keeper, and chef de mission/delegation leader (that's my job!).  In this way, students gain an appreciation of how organizations navigate challenging situations while at the same time contributing to the success of the mission.

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